Before having kids, you may have imagined that family mealtimes would be lovely times where everyone gathered around the table, ate delicious, nutritious food and chatted happily about their day. Now you’re finding that real life is a little different. The delicious, nutritious food is there – your child just won’t eat it! When it […]
READ MOREHow you can support a child with a visual impairment
As delved into the challenges and nuances of visual impairments, the blog post The role of OT in supporting children with visual impairments – Occupational Therapy Helping Children explained some of the complexities people face and the importance of understanding its impact on children’s daily life. In Australia, approximately 1 in every 2,500 newborns are […]
READ MOREUnlocking the Secrets of the Tonic Labyrinthine Reflex (TLR)
Have you ever wondered about the intricate reflexes that babies are born with? Among them lies the Tonic Labyrinthine Reflex (TLR), a fascinating mechanism that aids infants in their first encounters with gravity and spatial awareness. In this post, we’ll delve into the world of TLR, exploring its development, integration, and impact on a child’s […]
READ MORESensory-Friendly Home
An important factor in a child’s development is the home environment. An enriching home plays a pivotal role in fostering healthy growth and brain development. This involves creating a safe, well-organized space that offers opportunities for play, exploration, and discovery, all while maintaining a balance of love and emotional support. The quality of a child’s […]
READ MOREThe role of OT in supporting children with visual impairments
What is a visual impairment: A visual impairment is when a person’s vison cannot be corrected to a “normal” level through intervention such as glasses, contact lenses, medication, vision surgery or visual perception optometrist exercises. It is where one or more function of the eye, or visual system is impaired or limited. A visual impairment […]
READ MOREVisual Perception Skills
Have you ever wondered about the fascinating world of visual perception and how it impacts a child’s development? In this blog post, we’ll dive into the world of visual perception, understand its significance in children’s growth and discover the subskills involved that make it possible. Visual perception, in essence, is our brain’s remarkable ability to […]
READ MOREThe Tactile System
What is it The tactile system, or touch, is our oldest and more primitive expressive channel. It is our “first language” as it is our main way of interacting and communicating with the world until we develop enough language, motor skills, and cognition to use other ways of interaction. We receive tactile input through receptors […]
READ MOREWhat is Stimming?
Have you heard the term stimming, been told that your child stims or noticed your child engaging in repetitive activities? Have you ever wondered what exactly stimming is and why your child does it? This blog post will help explain stimming and how stimming may be observed in your child. What is Stimming? Stimming or […]
READ MOREAuditory Defensiveness
Does your child cover their ears in response to loud noises? Are they bothered by ordinary household items such as vacuum cleaners? Or are they distracted by background noises that others ignore? In this post, we explore auditory defensiveness and its challenges in children with sensory processing difficulties. Also known as auditory hypersensitivity, over-responsivity or […]
READ MOREWhat is a Sensory Diet?
I’m sure we’ve all heard of the term sensory diet and its benefits for your child’s intervention approach, but what does it mean?! Is it a genuine diet? Am I feeding my kids gummy bears? Help! A ‘sensory diet’ is an intervention strategy used to manage your child’s sensory processing dysfunction, otherwise known as our […]