Upside down bowling is a fun activity that provides vestibular integration, whilst also improving balance and hand eye coordination. You can use a variety of household items if you don’t have a bowling set i.e. plastic cups or bottles and a ball work perfectly!
Depending on your child’s age and ability you may wish to support them in the initial stages of this activity. As they progress this can be completed on their own.
Start by setting up the bowling pins and have your child take a few steps forward. Hold the ball above your child’s head and prompt them to look up and tip their head back to reach the ball. Remember to remind your child to do this if they are completing it on their own as it is the head movement, we need to provide vestibular input. Once your child has the ball have them bend at the hips and look between their legs, prompt your child to look for their target and throw the ball towards the bowling pins.
If reaching back is difficult for your child you can move the ball closer to them. As you practise this activity you can then gradually bring the ball further back, so your child is tipping their head and leaning back. You may need to support your child in the initial stages of this activity to ensure they don’t fall back.
Using a weighted or heavier ball will provide proprioceptive input (heavy work) and build upper limb strength.